Editing Anything – DIY Tips – Part One

typed paper with red marking and a red pen - for Editing Anything

Start with the Big Stuff! Do your best to distance yourself from the content and to read the manuscript as if you were a stranger reading the material for the first time. Try not to judge it, but to see if it flows smoothly, makes logical transitions, and uses words that will be understood easily by your target audience.
You can make notes, if you need to, but don’t change anything the first time you do a read-through. Otherwise, you could change something in an early section that renders a later section incorrect, and illogical, making an outcome unlikely, irrelevant, or out of character. Continue Reading →

Domestic Violence – Break the Chain – A Play

Domestic Violence – The Chain Can Be Broken But, First, It’s Important to Understand It Although I wrote BREAK THE CHAIN in 1990, it’s still relevant, as the cycle of Continue Reading →

#vss365 #prompt 2/1-2/11 2022

#vss365 #prompt logo

The truth is I missed my morning bouts with creativity in which I usually have only 5 – 10 minutes to learn what the #vss365 #prompt is for the day. Figure out what to say in poetry or prose. Find a corresponding relevant image, and then post it. So, I did do a few to share with you. Continue Reading →