Content Creation

Image of a keyboard and quote, "A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit." #vss365

While I can teach content creation classes to groups or individuals and for personal or business purposes, this blog is not a class. Instead, it will give you an idea of the broad services that I provide following a free initial consultation to determine needs. Continue Reading →

Book Reviews of Three Hots and a Cot by Nancy Wyatt

Amazon + GoodReads Book Reviews: Three Hots and a Cot Sorry if I seem to be self-serving by posting these critiques of my book! However, reviewers have determined it is Continue Reading →

Booktasters Posts Reviews of Your Books on Goodreads and Amazon!

Depending on which Booktasters plan one chooses, a specific number of reviewers post critiques of one or more books on Goodreads and/or Amazon.) The more reviews you have on those two platforms, the more you can reach readers through organic searches. Booktasters reviews of both fiction and non-fiction works help authors reach their target readers and target sales numbers Continue Reading →