Classes – Wellness

My Get Well Guru Wellness Classes

White Orchids

As a certified practitioner of several Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) modalities, I can be booked to teach Introductory classes, which explain the concepts involved.  So, if you’ve ever heard the term “holistic healing,”  “Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” or “CAM,” and you wondered what the heck that means, these wellness classes provide the answers to non-synthetic, non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical ways of increasing your health.

I plan to offer wellness classes as webinars + videos on CAM topics and more in the future.  Stay tuned!


In my holistic healing capacity, I’m known as “My Get Well Guru.” I have a different website devoted to wellness modalities and meditation. We always seek ways of acquiring and maintaining good health without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Great health is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual quest. Go to if you would like to explore my web content there. Meanwhile, you can learn more here through this summary page.

I do hope you and your friends will schedule a class with me.  Just contact me at to arrange it.  In class, we shall discuss topics, such as:

Why Anything Works = Energy!

 Who and What Can Be Healed

Categories of Holistic Approaches – ingestants, physical manipulation, energy work

Some Principles, Ethics, and Theory

Thoughts Are Things – how we create wellness and dis-ease through thought patterns

Sources of Messages – Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, etc.

Causes of Dis-Ease

Body as Messenger – where it hurts is a clue for healing

Correspondences – Chakras / Colors / Notes on Scale

Cleansing and Protection – cleansing not only the body, but the aura

What Happens During Healing Sessions and Afterward.

The only complaint I’ve ever gotten about this class (and about my other metaphysics and meditation classes) is that the students wanted the class to be longer! 

They even said this when the class was four hours long!  So, you can see we had fun and learned a lot.  The highest compliment I got recently was that not a single person even looked at his/her cell phone during the entire class!  YEA!

Contact me.  You’ll love it, too!

Shall We Chat First in a Sip & Share Session on Zoom?

I hope this has been helpful to you. Feel free to take advantage of my free initial consultation to see how best I can meet your needs. Email me at and put “Request Sip & Share Session” in the subject line. In the body of your email, let me know what kind of topic you want to discuss. We’ll coordinate schedules, and I’ll create a link for you to click on to join me in the Zoom session. The first one is FREE and lasts about 30 minutes. I look forward to talking with you!

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Do It the Write Way! Let My  Fingers Do Your Talking!


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