Domestic Violence


Little girl crying in corner; hand with strap in front

Child Abuse

Care Worker Mistreating Elderly Woman

Elder Abuse

Abused Woman Trapped In Home

Abused Woman Trapped In Home

Woman Abusing Man

Woman Abusing Man

One Act Play About Domestic Violence


12 million people (including men, women, and children) are known to be victims of  domestic violence in America each year, according to recent statistics. Our intent in publishing this script again is to raise awareness about both the problem and potential sources of help for both the abused and the abuser.

This page is under construction; but only for a brief while. The script was copyrighted and performed in 1990, and currently is being converted for use on this web page, so that you may purchase copies which will be sent to you via electronic mail or in hard copies, as you prefer.  Stay tuned; but see the details below..

“Break the Chain” Script Summary

The title of this play refers to the chain of violence transmitted from generation to generation. It features a mother, whose son appears at school with bruises and has many absences. This pattern causes the school counselor to believe there is domestic violence in the household, and she tries to intervene.

As the mother struggles with feelings of being trapped and having no way out, she starts to overcome her denial that the situation is dangerous. One also can see the cycle being perpetuated, as her daughter begins to “act out” on a doll.

The action among actors is followed by a narrator, who provides more education about the cycle of violence and describes when, in the cycle, it is most likely that people can Break The Chain. The script does mention actual locations in Virginia and nationally where help can be found for “battered women” and their children. However, it is intended to be updated with current statistics and the names and contact information pertinent to the local area where the play is being performed. For that purpose, I have included some links at the end of the script, where current additional information can be found.  The script should not be altered, other than to incorporate helpful resources for domestic violence issues in your area.

Break The Chain Scene Settings

The scenes are minimal:

  • Scenes 1 & 3 take place in the family’s living room;
  • Scene 2 takes place in a school counselor’s office, with a phone and two chairs facing the counselor’s desk/chair.
  • Scene 4: can be on a bare stage (preferably with a podium) or with the narrator standing in front of the darkened last scene.

Break The Chain Script & Payment Options

  • If you want the script before PayPal is established on this page, let me know. I can email or snail mail it, upon receipt and clearance of your payment (by cash, Cashier’s Check, or check.).
  • eScript Digital Edition of scripts can be viewed only on personal devices, like  computers with eReaders. They cannot be printed. You may purchase a single copy.
  • eScript Printable Editions are printable scripts, which are available with performances only. The number of printed copies that you are allowed will correspond with the number of printable editions that you order.  eScript Printable Editions have a minimum number of copies that must be ordered, based on cast size.
  • For Break The Chain, the minimum number of eScript Printable Edition copies you can order is six (6)    (for 5 cast members and Director).  You may need more to include copies for a Stage Manager, Production Assistants,  etc.
  • There is a $15 charge for shipping and handling, if hard copies are ordered.
  • Details to follow; but the price is $10 per script.
    • Under copyright law, you may not copy or otherwise reproduce the material; so you need to purchase the number of scripts you will need for a performance.
    • There are 5 characters in the play (2 women; 1 boy; 1 younger girl; and a narrator).  Keep in mind the need for the Director, Stage Manager, and any Production Assistants, Lighting, and other staff to have scripts.
  • A 10%  discount may be given to  non-profits (which  provide to me a copy of the IRS letter confirming non-profit status and the current business license).

Thank you for your interest.  By raising people’s consciousness about how domestic violence works, I hope we can help BREAK THE CHAIN!

(I expect to have this page finalized with Pay Pal options no later than the end of April, 2015.)

Break The Chain 6 script min

Break The Chain 6 script min


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