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HypnoMeditations For All Occasions

My Get Well Guru

These HypnoMeditations are crafted to address issues, such as sleeplessness, overcoming fears and phobias, correcting limiting beliefs about weight loss, financials, past traumas, and so much more.  The meditations can be used singly or nightly for 28 days, to change habitual thinking and beliefs that do not serve you well.  You also can book  Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and/or Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) sessions with me; but, during the pandemic, we’ll probably meet via Zoom or a similar media, rather than in person, as I would have preferred. It’s okay. We can figure it out in a way that suits us.

Hypnosis – With or Without Meditation

YOU Hypnotize Yourself!

Note: all hypnosis is self-hypnosis since you cannot be hypnotized if you don’t want to be. Hypnosis is merely an altered state of brainwave frequency. The brainwaves slow down just like when you are about to enter or awaken from a state of sleep. Your intellectual mind may wind down, but your AWARENESS increases. It’s all perfectly natural. The benefits are that you can activate your subconscious mind to help you meet your own goals and to revise thinking and feelings that no longer support your well-being.

Script and Recording Options to Meet Your Needs

Music notes over CDI will include the music of world-famous Reiki Master and musician, Llewellyn in some of the HypnoMeditations.

(I have purchased the licenses to use this music. However, you may not duplicate or share the recordings with anyone else. To do so is to violate copyright law as related to both the music and the words.)

Happily, you may have the option of getting only the scripts or recordings with just voice-only recording, if you wish. If you purchase only the script, you then can make a recording of the words in your own voice to help reinforce the thoughts in your subconscious mind. If you order a pre-recorded meditation without music in the background, you can choose what music, water or nature sounds, or other backgrounds to use – including the blessing of silence.  This is especially helpful for people with hearing difficulties, as there will be no other sounds on the recording to blur the words.

smiley face - surprise(We learned not to give HypnoMeditations, which have background music,  to musicians. It seems the musicians pay attention only to the music!  OOPS!)

Headshot of Nancy Wyatt 2023How does it work? If you want to have one customized to meet your specific objectives, you and I will have a sort of “interview” session, so I can learn about your concerns and your goals. Thereafter, I will use that information to create the meditation to mirror our objectives for how to Change Your Life for the better.

Sometimes, I have a pre-existing HypnoMeditation, which you can purchase – either as a script to record in your voice or as a pre-recorded meditation in mine.

Please let me know if there is something you would like to have customized just for you.

Fees by the Hour or by the Project

My fees vary, depending on whether you choose editing, writing, or reviewing services. Fees also are influenced by the:

  • amount of lead time you provide
  • complexity of the work
  • amount of research involved.
  • travel requirements
  • ability to do the work and transmit it online for the most part.

If you put me on retainer for six months, I’ll give you a reduced rate. You also may qualify in other ways to be one of my VIP Clients. In addition, I occasionally give discounts to specific networking group members and worthy causes. Contact me for details. MyPersuasivePresentations@gmail.com.

How ‘About a FREE Sip & Share Session on Zoom?

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Or, contact me with other ideas and questions! I’ll be happy to hear from you. MyPersuasivePresentations@gmail.com.

We also could hold that aforementioned FREE Sip & Share session on Zoom to brainstorm about what’s on your mind. Let me know if you’d like to schedule a free chat. Put “Request Sip & Share Session” in the subject line. We’ll set up a time to give you a free initial consultation of up to 30 minutes. Unless you live near me, we’ll probably meet via Zoom or a similar media, rather than in-person, as I would have preferred. It’s okay. We can figure it out in a way that suits us.Sip & Share logo

Do It the Write Way! Let My Fingers Do Your Talking!

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