Training Series #2 – What Trainers Should Know About a Training Venue BEFORE Classes Start!

The Training Venue for Classes and Speeches

(Real or Imagined = Physical or Online)

laptops and 2 figures shaking hands as they begin online training classesLet’s face it. When you are teaching classes or presenting training modules, online training is a topic unto itself. One starting place to learn more about that is the Association for Talent Development, previously known as the American Society for  Training and Development. It is a is a non-profit association for workplace learning and performance and a well-known hub for trainers.

speaker at whiteboard in classes at a training venueBut, today, let’s concentrate on training, speeches, and other presentations which are done in physical locations (a training venue) with in-person interactions among the presenter and the attendees. Note: I give presentations and teach classes which are not training modules, per se. I’m using “training” as a generic term to cover all these kinds of teaching.

The Training Venue Will Provide Both Opportunities and Constraints

The word VISION written in colorful sticky notes on a blue background for classes in a training venue

To begin, you need to determine what your topic is and who your audience is. If you missed it, here is the link to my blog which is the first in this series “All You Need To Know About …. Training.” In it, I talk about how to construct new classes and training programs.  It will help you start to focus on what you want to accomplish and how to go about it. Then,  you can factor those variables into your thinking about the training venue you want to or have to use. Conversely, you also will be factoring the advantages and limitations of that training venue into how you will create your presentation and what materials, techniques, and technology you can use.

Scouting Out How a  Training Venue Will or Will Not Meet Your Needs

The word STRATEGY written on sticky notes on a background of purple colored paper. Strategy is for classes in a training venue.I’ve decided to share a checklist I developed some time ago for presenters to use in thinking about their approaches to a speech. It is adaptable when you use a team approach to teaching classes.

There are many considerations when you get to choose a venue. There are several design modifications you may have to make if you cannot choose. All of this is important in your planning, regardless of whether you do the training or you want me to conduct the sessions. (Here is a link to show you the wide variety of training materials I’ve developed and presented.)

figure with giant pencil and a venue check listOnce you’ve reviewed the variables listed in the chart below, you’ll also want to consider how you will market your classes or notify attendees about the event and whether the venue owner will participate in those efforts in terms of costs, materials, and ad space, if applicable.

Items That Will Affect Your Performance in Classes

Sample Training Venue Checklist


Click on the link to view this informal checklist. The chart does not translate well on WordPress, so I’ve made it into a link. If you cannot access it, email me with a request, and  I’ll send it to you as a PDF file.

Training Venue Chart

green feedback button on keyboard asking for comments on classes and venue training chartI hope this thought-provoking table is helpful to you. I’d love to have your feedback about what you found most important and about any items that you think should be added when I teach this as a class. Thanks for joining me and stay tuned for the next in the series about how to create and conduct effective training sessions. I’ll be posting more on training topics during the rest of April, at a minimum.

Do It The Write Way! Let My Fingers Do Your Talking!

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