#vss365 #FromOneLine #prompt 2/12 – 2/19 2022

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You Don’t Have to Write Perfectly to Play #vss365 #prompt Games….Some people – and you, sometimes, – might take hours to refine the craft, but lots of us don’t have that luxury daily. Play anyway and refine later if you want to publish or just perfect your work. Continue Reading →

#vss365 #prompt 2/1-2/11 2022

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The truth is I missed my morning bouts with creativity in which I usually have only 5 – 10 minutes to learn what the #vss365 #prompt is for the day. Figure out what to say in poetry or prose. Find a corresponding relevant image, and then post it. So, I did do a few to share with you. Continue Reading →

#vss365 #prompt Jan1-8, 2022

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#vss365 People, when I started posting about this in November 2021, I had 135,350 visitors to my Nancy’s Novelty Photos on my Pixels website. Today (1-2-2022) I have over 158,556 Continue Reading →

#vss365 #prompts 12/12/2021 – 12/18/2021

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Welcome, Writers and Wannabe Writers in #vss365 #prompts Poetry or Prose! Below, I’ve shared my #vss365 #prompt posts for this time period. Just scroll fast to This Week’s #vss365 Samples if you want to skip Continue Reading →

Book Reviews of Three Hots and a Cot by Nancy Wyatt

Amazon + GoodReads Book Reviews: Three Hots and a Cot Sorry if I seem to be self-serving by posting these critiques of my book! However, reviewers have determined it is Continue Reading →

Write by the Rails – Invitations to Participate: Poems | Short Snippets

Write by the Rails campaign uses poems, quotes, and short (Tweet-size) writings to promote the work of writers in Prince William County, Virginia. Here are some examples in case you want to participate. Continue Reading →

Drugs and Vulnerable Homeless Children

depressed homeless child on street

I had to quit school, too.  ‘Cuz we didn’t have any clothes or bus money.  I couldn’t even take my lunch.  Now that I’m back in school, I’m way behind, and the kids are real mean to me.  They found out I live in the shelter.  They call me “Homeless Hannah” and say I sleep with rats!  AND, they beat me up every day ‘til I cry and feel like nuthin.’  Now, how can that be for the best, huh, God?  How can that be for the best?! Continue Reading →

Choosing Your Voice for a Writing Project

You will save yourself a lot of time, trouble, and wasted paper, if you choose a voice or voices for your project in advance, rather than “winging it. You also are more likely to save time and money with an editor and to appeal more engagingly with your audience….Sometimes, the voice helps the character live and grow inside of your consciousness to the point that it is as if that character were writing the story, not just you! See sample styles in this article.
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